Malaysia- We stayed in a long house with a tribe in the jungle. The kids loved Erik.
This was an eleven mile hike through the jungle. I thought this bridge was so neat, it's called a monkey bridge.
This was where I got scuba certified on a tiny island called Subuan in Malaysia. The people here were Philippino sea gypsies and they lived in huts or on stilts in the water. I loved how the sky faded into the ocean.

Vietnam- INSANE amounts of motorcycles!!!!!

Amazing and beautiful Angkor Wat in Cambodia
Bangkok, Thailand- We loved how the zoos had no rules. You could pretty much touch and feed all the animals and many of them weren't even in cages. I loved this baby elephant!!!!

Holy Monks!!! We woke up at 4:30 in the morning to see this. We were so lucky to be apart of this because supposedly it only happens once a year. Everyone in the city of Chiang Mai would respectfully fill the Monks bowls with food as they quietly passed by.

Cambodia- Erik shooting "the Rambo gun" It was really funny because they kept calling it the Rambo gun, but I shoot a few bullets myself and then I got scared and told Erik to shot the rest of mine. Erik also threw a hand grenade which really freaked me out. I can't believe the things you're allowed to do in other countries. Wow!!!

Cambodia in the middle of nowhere- This cute little boy kept bringing me things from his boat. First he went to his boat brought me a snake and put it around my neck and then he went to fetch me a rabbit to hold. I was scared the snake was going to try to eat the little bunny. I fell in love with the extremely happy little boy that was just floating in the water in a bowl and missing an arm. I loved how happy and kind everyone was with what little they had.