Monday, December 13, 2010

Ruby turned 2!

My sweet little baby girl is no longer a tiny baby, even though she'll always be a little baby in my mind. She turned 2 on the 27th of November. She has become quite the little adult lately. She talks really well as if she thinks she 20 or something. I find myself laughing all the time at all the hilarious phrases she picks up. She also has such a funny sense of humor. She loves teasing us and has started to call me mama Norton because she knows it's funny.

Ruby has brought so much life into our lives. She is such a little entertainer. I am so grateful to have such a wild little lady in my life. I just keep falling more and more in love with my little girl.

So I never forget....
She loves being a big sister and always informs me if Sunday is crying even though I'm already well aware. She loves to help me with whatever task I'm busy doing. She always says, "Mama, I want to help you. I want to help you." She loves any food that you can dip. She's still OBSESSED with ELMO, hence the Elmo pinata.
I don't know why but Ruby's favorite song is a song by Jason Maraz which she calls the "No more song" and she has to listen to it repeatedly every time we're in the car. Her favorite song to dance to is the Will I Am song on Sesame Street that she calls "daddy's favorite song," because they always dance to it together.

For her birthday all she wanted was gum and lollipops. That's why in pretty much every picture you can see a lollipop in her mouth. Erik was in charge of her party this year because I just had baby Sunday. It was so cute to see how excited he was to set everything up and organize the whole thing. He LOVES making his little girl happy. He adores her. He is always asking her to marry him. Ha! So cute!

We love you Ruby K. We love waking up to your sweet little face every morning.

Love, Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Recycling with Ruby K

Wednesday night at about 1:00 a.m. I heard /felt some sweet-techno-bass-lines rumbling through the floors of our apartment building. I was about to get dressed to head down stairs to get my groove on, but then I felt tired, grumpy, and old -- so, I called the San Diego Police Department instead.

About 30 minutes later the cops came and the music and the screams abruptly ended. As the party-kids dispersed, walking and mincing as they went, two young sorority sisters tossed a couple of their tinkling ornaments on the hood of my 2002 mazda millenia.

The next morning I found the the gifts and brought them upstairs to show Ruby. We soaked them for 12 hours in a mixture of bleach and soap to burn off some Phi Gamma Delta Gonorrhea. Ruby told me to turn on our favorite song. And then we danced.

Because Kindsay is spends so much of her time being Sunday's Milk Machine, Ruby and I have been having some good friendship time. Here's some photos of us on our balcony hammock:


Monday, November 8, 2010

Sunday Sophia Norton is Here!

Born Sunday- November 7 - 2010
at 11:34pm
8 lbs 1 ounce
We love our new little beautiful girl!

On November 27, 2008 we learned that child-birthing is a LENGTHY process. The day Ruby was born, the contractions started squeezing my lady at about midnight. We called the hospital who told us to hold off for a few hours before making the the 45 minute journey down to the hospital. Five hours later we strolled into the hospital and plugged my sweet little bride into the pain-killing machine. Ten hours later we turned on some Beatles and Bob Dylan while Kindsay, slowly but surely (for about an hour and a half), pushed out our first born as the Hawaiian sun set behind the Koolau Mountains.
Praising science and modern medicine, Mama-Norton swore that in future gestations she would never go cave-woman-style and abandon the warm companionship of uncle-epidural.

Learning from experience, when the contractions started on Sunday night after a moonlight family stroll, we took our precious time. Kindsay was feeling the pain of motherhood, but we figured "hey, we got 12-18 hours to go."

As the contractions intensified, Kindsay called her Mom, told her of her condition, and asked if it might be a good idea to come down to baby sit the sleeping Ruby so we could head over to the hospital. Mrs. Mathis said we needed to get the heck to the hospital. Mother knows best.

Kindsay's parents rushed down to take over Ruby-duty and Kindsay and I headed to the hospital.
But things were different this time.
By the time we got there a little after 11pm, my she-bear was feeling some major feelings.

As the nurses and staff calmly and casually checked her in and asked her routine form questions, my wife informed them of the seriousness of her situation and begged and pleaded for that sweet loving needle that had saved her soul in the autumn of '08.

But after checking her lowers, the nurse broke the news that it was too late for the epidural, predicting "this baby is coming in less than an hour!"

Then my blonde roared a wicked roar. Oh, she ROARED a WICKED ROAR!

And, three minutes later A CHILD WAS BORN.

And, we called her Sunday.

I love you so much Kindsay! You did such a GREAT job!

We are now 4!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Erik shooting scare-crows with a corn on the cob gun.

Ruby clinging to her daddy for dear life because she was soooo scared of this "scary guy" and the "scary witch." We did this last weekend and she still asks, "Where'd that scary witch go?" and still says, "I scared of the witch daddy." Always repeated twice.

This is her looking at the scary witch. Poor little thing.

We had so much fun last weekend with our friends. Ruby loved petting all of the animals and running through the corn maze. We had fun picking out pumpkins in Ramona and going out to dinner in Julian. It was the perfect way to start our Autumn.