Things that Ruby can say now that she is 1...
Duck (one of her first words)
Money (yells it out in church and then laughs really loud)
Daddy (all of the time)
NO (while she shakes her pointed finger-she learned this from, No More Monkeys Jumping on the bed)
What she can do and likes to do now that she is 1, she....
loves to read books
loves to open my phone and pretend to call people
climbs on anything and everything
claps her hands
thinks it's really amazing that she knows how to take off her bib
loves to take all my shoes off the shoe rack
has no fear of strangers
is obsessed with string cheese
waves hi and bye-bye
barks like a doggie
can walk across the room but still crawls a lot
dances a little
pretends to read to her baby doll and kiss and hug it
blows a kiss
makes a kiss sound
loves music
is attached to her blankey.... especially the corner that has the knot on it
does some of the hand motions for the Itsy-Bitsy Spider and Popcorn Popping
Ruby is just starting to get her 1st teeth. I was wondering if she was going to get her them. She just turned 1 and now she is walking across the room and getting two teeth!!! I can't believe how fast the time is going by.......my baby is growing up.