My sweet little baby girl is no longer a tiny baby, even though she'll always be a little baby in my mind. She turned 2 on the 27th of November. She has become quite the little adult lately. She talks really well as if she thinks she 20 or something. I find myself laughing all the time at all the hilarious phrases she picks up. She also has such a funny sense of humor. She loves teasing us and has started to call me mama Norton because she knows it's funny.
Ruby has brought so much life into our lives. She is such a little entertainer. I am so grateful to have such a wild little lady in my life. I just keep falling more and more in love with my little girl.
So I never forget....
She loves being a big sister and always informs me if Sunday is crying even though I'm already well aware. She loves to help me with whatever task I'm busy doing. She always says, "Mama, I want to help you. I want to help you." She loves any food that you can dip. She's still OBSESSED with ELMO, hence the Elmo pinata.
I don't know why but Ruby's favorite song is a song by Jason Maraz which she calls the "No more song" and she has to listen to it repeatedly every time we're in the car. Her favorite song to dance to is the Will I Am song on Sesame Street that she calls "daddy's favorite song," because they always dance to it together.
For her birthday all she wanted was gum and lollipops. That's why in pretty much every picture you can see a lollipop in her mouth. Erik was in charge of her party this year because I just had baby Sunday. It was so cute to see how excited he was to set everything up and organize the whole thing. He LOVES making his little girl happy. He adores her. He is always asking her to marry him. Ha! So cute!
We love you Ruby K. We love waking up to your sweet little face every morning.
Love, Mommy and Daddy
I like that Eric wore that birthday outfit again. You guys are the cutest little family. xoxo
It is so crazy that you have a two year old! Where does the time go... REALLY though?
Anyway, the B-day looked so fun. Ruby and Sunday are adorable!
YAY!!! I'm SO excited to see all these, Kindsay! What a fun birthday that must have been. And what a great mom and dad you are! Both the girls are growing up too fast...
Baysil wore that same dress on her 2nd Birthday!! I love our little girls love love love them.
Thank you! I love seeing little ruby! I am so so so excited to see you guys!!! miss you!
Kindsay Bree! You look so much like your mom in the first picture. Freaky. Happy Birthday Ruby! I want to play with you and "your Sunday" soon! xox
I forgot to mention how much I LOVE that Erik brings out his birthday outfit every year!!! Hahaha! Love it SO much!
cute new background!
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