We've been having tons of fun so far this summer. We went to the Del Mar Fair with my family and had a great time. Ruby had her first ferris wheel and carousel experience. She loved every second at the fair. We ate lots of delicious food. And for some reason Erik and Troy had to try the chocolate covered bacon???

Then almost all of Erik's family came to visit, (except for Richie, Nat and the kiddos). We really missed you guys!
I wish I would have taken more photos of all the fun activities we did together. Ruby had the time of her life with her cousin Cole!!! We all went to a Padres game, went to the beach and ate yummy mexican food, saw fireworks together for the 4th on a beautiful golf course hill, and we even went to Mexico with Ben and Chels.
Mmmm... chocolate covered bacon! Sounds like a heart attack!! We have been thinking about you guys lately because we have had some random encounters with your friends and family. We had a dinner date with Chris and Kellie Whitaker last Friday and my little sister, Hailey did a shoot with Chelsea a couple of weeks ago! What a small world... hope all is well:)
Oh -- I'm so happy you've updated with these awesome pictures, Kindsay! I LOVE them all! By the way, in that adorable picture of Ruby and Erik with the finger puppets, Rick said, "Wow! Ruby looks EXACTLY like Kindsay!" So, for the record, she's not totally Erik:) I think she's a perfect combo of the two of you. Can't WAIT to see what the next one's going to look like!
fun summer for sure!
ad hey, congrats on the bun in the oven! that is so exciting!
oh man mama you are so stinking darn cute when you're preggers. I love and miss you so much it hurts! I'll be in Utah on the 1st so I may just have to hunt you down, even if there's only time for a hug.
Your wedding photo on the side is adorable.
I miss you guys! Come over and play!!!
Hey guys! We are coming to So. Cal in a few weeks and want to meet up if you can. We'll give you a call when it gets closer:)
miss ya!
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