Born Sunday- November 7 - 2010
at 11:34pm
8 lbs 1 ounce

We love our new little beautiful girl!

On November 27, 2008 we learned that child-birthing is a LENGTHY process. The day Ruby was born, the contractions started squeezing my lady at about midnight. We called the hospital who told us to hold off for a few hours before making the the 45 minute journey down to the hospital. Five hours later we strolled into the hospital and plugged my sweet little bride into the pain-killing machine. Ten hours later we turned on some Beatles and Bob Dylan while Kindsay, slowly but surely (for about an hour and a half), pushed out our first born as the Hawaiian sun set behind the Koolau Mountains.
Praising science and modern medicine, Mama-Norton swore that in future gestations she would never go cave-woman-style and abandon the warm companionship of uncle-epidural.

Learning from experience, when the contractions started on Sunday night after a moonlight family stroll, we took our precious time. Kindsay was feeling the pain of motherhood, but we figured "hey, we got 12-18 hours to go."

As the contractions intensified, Kindsay called her Mom, told her of her condition, and asked if it might be a good idea to come down to baby sit the sleeping Ruby so we could head over to the hospital. Mrs. Mathis said we needed to get the heck to the hospital. Mother knows best.

Kindsay's parents rushed down to take over Ruby-duty and Kindsay and I headed to the hospital.
But things were different this time.
By the time we got there a little after 11pm, my she-bear was feeling some major feelings.

As the nurses and staff calmly and casually checked her in and asked her routine form questions, my wife informed them of the seriousness of her situation and begged and pleaded for that sweet loving needle that had saved her soul in the autumn of '08.

But after checking her lowers, the nurse broke the news that it was too late for the epidural, predicting "this baby is coming in less than an hour!"

Then my blonde roared a wicked roar. Oh, she ROARED a WICKED ROAR!

And, three minutes later A CHILD WAS BORN.

And, we called her Sunday.

I love you so much Kindsay! You did such a GREAT job!

We are now 4!

Congratulations! She is lovely...
yay!!! She is so cute! look how dark her hair is! Congrats!!
congratulations! I love the black hair!
YAY!!! SUCH exciting, Erik, how did you get Kindsay to birth your TWIN?
Oh, and I loved your descriptive post. Thanks forthe ROARING, kindsay.
So precious! Love all that dark hair! Good job Kindsay!!
I love it! Excellent baby story, Erik. You are wonderful Kindsay! Baby Sunday is beautiful and we are dying to meet her!
Oh you guys, I'm so excited for you!!
LOOK AT ALL THAT HAIR! It's so DARK! How crazy.
Kindsay, you are a rock star. Can't wait to see you guys.
"the contractions started squeezing my lady at about midnight."
Oh, my gosh, Erik! Bwahahaha! I'm so sorry, Kindsay. I have no words...
But THANK YOU for this -- the best true to life story in the world! Sunday is SO BEAUTIFUL! And I've never seen so much hair -- certainly on none of my babies! Kindsay, you're my hero. You did it - and with no drugs! You look wonderful and gorgeous and happy. The pictures of Ruby with Sunday are priceless. What an incredible familiy of four you make! I love you all!
By the way -- can you even IMAGINE what this story would have been like if Kindsay had ended up having to have Erik deliver the baby in the car??? It looks like you almost got to, Erik. Maybe next time.
Erik, this is so funny. I can't believe she was born on a Sunday! Auntie Megan is so excited and can't wait to meet her!
oh. my. gosh! Kassey told me. I need to call you pronto!!!!
Congratulations you guys!!! She is perfect. I love the story!
great story telling! congratulations nortons! she is a darling one!
You have no idea how much I want to hold her right now.....
Too bad I have a cold, and live in Utah.
One cannot deny the quality of your story telling my dear friend. Congratulations!
I love Sunday!!!!!!!!
Sunday is beautiful....just like Ruby only with dark hair! happy for you! Love to all of you :)
I am so so happy for you guys. Thanks Erik for the great story! She is beautiful! I can't wait to see her.
CONGRATS!!!! She is beautiful and what a wonderful family of 4! Can't wait to meet her!
Oh my glad this story came from you. No one could tell it better! I had so hoped to be in the room for this delivery and I felt like I was.. for all 3 min. :)
Love you both and am so happy for this new beautiful little hairy addition to our family. So proud of you kinds...and truly inspirational. I will be getting to the hospital early for my miracle drug. :)
Erik I have missed you and your story telling. Congrats to you all! Little Sunday is just beautiful! Way to go Kindsay!!
Cute post Erik! She is beautiful! Look at all of that dark hair! Congrats! Love the name too:)
Wonderful story! Way to go Kinds! NO meds. Awesome! She is precious. Congrats!
this was an awesome story. Erik-you should blog more often.
CONGRATS NORTON'S! Little Sunday is beautiful!
Wow she is beautiful! Erik I like the story. You guys are really funny! We love you!
Oh. Oh. Oh! She is perfect. I l o v e all that dark hair. And her name should win a prize. Sunday Sophia. It's almost as beautiful as she is. CONGRATULATIONS!!
(and Kinds-WAY. TO. GO! If they won't give you drugs, ROAR at 'em and just get the job done! That'll show 'em. You don't need their steenkeen epidural.)
thank you erik for this post. thank you kindsay for being so beautiful even while in natural child birth!
I cannot imagine Kindsay Roaring. Not in my wildest of imaginings.
Baby Sunday, we LOVE you! You are every bit as beautiful as your big sister and your mommy!
We can't wait to meet you!
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